Mimi the lion, was well known,
As the lion... who could’nt roar!
And Oh, he did try so hard.
But now, they called him a bore!
For when Mimi opened his big jaw,
A grin was all you could see!
So no one was scared of his big paw,
The animals did nothing but tease
Mimi was sad, he felt really bad.
‘Being different is hard’, he thought.
He sat down to brood, in a bad mood
And a porcupine sat next to his spot.
The porcupine sneezed and fell on his knees
And his quills stood up in the air,
‘See, I sneeze a lot and rattle my quills,
At first, I was full of despair.
My friends called me funny; Mr. Nose Runny
They laughed at my ‘upstanding quills.’
With every sneeze, that came with the breeze,
They said, spiky ball is doing drills!

Then I saw you, Mimi my twin.
I realized as soon as I saw your grin.
That we are both different from the usual mob.
Accepting ourselves is our first job!’
Mimi smiled, actually he grinned.
‘You’re right, what is your name my twin?’
Porcupine winked and said with a smile.
‘Happy to meet you, I am Zin.’
Mimi and Zin, became best friends.
They loved and accepted their own trends
The more they did, the happier they got.
Grinning and quilling to a carefree spot.