Said the cat to the camel,
“Take me on a ride!
Please Mr.Camel…
to the other side!!
To see the rest of town,
The King and his crown
To see the circus clown.
Please take me on a ride!
“Why?” asked Camel
With a little frown
Should you want a ride,
All over town?

“I’ve never seen the world…
from way up so high!
If I could sit up there
I could even touch the sky!”
Camel gave a smile,
“Ok!” he said.
“Jump up on my hump…
but not on my head!”
Camel took the happy cat
riding on his back!
To the palace, to the circus
and the market with the snack!

“He he,” giggled Cat,
“this is so much fun.
But did you know dear Camel
that you stink in the sun!”
“Do I?” asked Camel,
looking very calm.
Trotting to the desert
where it got very warm!
Cat began to sweat.
His mouth became dry.
His fur began to melt.
His eyes began to cry!

Said Cat to the Camel,
“Let’s go back sir please!
I’m hot and I’m stinky;
I’m shaking at my knees!”
“Sure,” said the Camel,
dropping Cat on the sand
“Since I’m too stinky,
You’re better off on land!”

Cat wept and he groaned.
He begged and he moaned.
“Sorry,” he wimpered
“Please take me back home!”
When Camel brought the Cat
back to town, he was done!
“Get a bath,” said Camel.
“You stink in the sun!”