Softly snored the happy bear...
Spring had arrived, but he didn’t care.
His cave was cozy, blanket was warm,
he dreamt of honey and the big bee swarm!
"Wake up Bo", went his groundhog friend.
"I declare, winter has come to an end!
Stretch those legs, open those eyes,
I know you will love this big surprise!
"Surprise??" Went Bo sitting up straight!
"I love surprises let’s not wait!"
Up he jumped, Out he ran!
"Surprise, surprise, I'm your biggest fan!"
Fresh cool air, bright blue skies.
Colorful flowers of every size!
Five big honeycombs in the trees,
buzzing with busy, busy honeybees.
Bo jumped, he said, "Hooray,
What a surprise on a spring day!"
Bo scrambled up the tree...
As he reached for the honey, what did he see?
A hunter aiming... hand on the trigger...
Bo’s big eyes grew even bigger!!
Crack went the gun, down jumped Bear!
That was close, Oh! What a scare!
Just as he turned to run away...
Down came a honeycomb tumbling his way!!
"Run Bo run!!", screamed his friend!
But Bo had other plans on his end!!
Bo grabbed the honeycomb in his jaw.
Boom! Came a bullet right next to his paw!!
Drooling with honey, grinning he ran!!!
Surprise, surprise... I’m your biggest fan!