Nellie fluffed her tutu,
and tried her best to smile,
The ballet show was starting;
her part was in a while.
And yet as much as she tried,
to keep her smile and calm;
In her little belly…
was a BIG butterfly swarm!
The big stage seemed to grin…
like a scary burly monster
The lights, music and the noise
were mocking her with laughter.

Oh! All she wanted to do,
was run away and disappear!
Standing ready in the wing,
she dropped a little tear!
That’s when she saw her mom…
in the first row by the aisle.
A look of joy on her face,
and a twinkle in her smile!
Nellie remembered that mom had said,
"Deep breaths, deep breaths and look ahead!"
As she danced she kept her gaze,
on mom’s happy, smiling face!
The belly butterflies flew away!
She enjoyed the music with her sway.
Just like practice before her toys,
she now danced with grace and poise!

On one of her turns, she missed a step;
“Oh! No, what am I doing?”
Then she remembered, mom had said,
‘laugh it off... keep going.’
And in the end, she took her bow.
The parents clapped for all at the show.
But her gaze was set on mom…
her lovely mom, her delightful charm.

Hey kids! A little something to remember if you are nervous on stage
Take deep breaths, fix your gaze on someone you know and love, practice before your toys at home, they can make a great audience!Mistakes happen -laugh it off and keep going!